Specialising in health, nutrition and training, my method is simply a training and lifestyle system that helps frustrated men and women get lean and healthy. Instead of getting clients to just pursue weight and calories I focus my attention on getting them educated, healthy, and the fat-loss simply comes for free!
So here's the truth behind testosterone. Many of my male clients frequently display very similar traits and they often wonder where the Alpha male has gone? They seem to have lost their zest for life, a hunger for progress and an impressive physical presence.
When studying hormones it is found the way people can become alpha male/ female can be derived from their ability to optimise the hormone testosterone.
Mention testosterone to a lot of women and they automatically think deep voices, hair growth and the guys down the gym, where in fact testosterone isn’t just for the gents. It actually is equally responsible for muscle recovery; motivation, bodyfat regulation as well as making both sexes feel ‘aroused’.
The quickest way to tell if a man is experiencing low testosterone levels is that he doesn’t wake up in the morning with an erection. Out of either ego or pride many men don’t talk about the state of their testosterone, which is a serious health matter. Its not just important for sexual arousal, it has huge bearing on mood, heart health, bone health and even brain health! Another common measurement is your waistlines guys, often when males have high levels of Estrogen (low testosterone) they will have large waist. Alcohol is a common cause for this as alcohol reduces testosterone which also results in ‘moobs’ (gynecomastia).
So what causes this? We can actually blame our partners if we’re not making love often enough as this is a huge factor, however there are things we should be doing ourselves to keep this precious hormone in check. You see our stress hormones (cortisol and adrenaline) derive from the same building blocks as we do testosterone. So if we are mega stressed the first thing to take a dive is our libido as the body ALWAYS chooses preservation over procreation, this means we also gain weight as cortisol levels increase therefore we store fat, this is often why people can train day in day out but still get no slimmer and I have known people to actually gain weight. This because exercise is stress on the body and the body can not differentiate between different types of stresses, stress is stress.
When we start eating clean meats and fish, eating more anti oxidants such as onions and garlic, cooking with coconut oil, removing stimulants, sleeping better and exercising we start to feel more confident, energetic and more like the alpha person we should. I have recently been recommending a product to my clients that has had outstanding results for all of the above, Alpha Men from Myprotein. Not only does it curb appetite and aid weight loss but it has also been phenomenal for optimal well-being. Clarity, focus, energy and a positive outlook are some of the outcomes they have been experiencing.
Believe it or not it is good fats that we need most to fuel testosterone production while we sleep. So if you want to feel more motivated, get better results from your training program, or just be have peace of mind you’re fuelling your health correctly, Perhaps consider how to improve your testosterone levels through food, reducing stress and getting deeper sleep. Here are just a few ideas...