What is Karbo-Lyn®?Karbo-Lyn®is a patented carbohydrate sourced from starch and contains very unique properties. It is a homopolysaccharide carbohydrate which means it is made up of many monosaccharides joined together by glycosidic bonds. Karbo-Lyn®passes through the stomach very quickly and it acts like a pump, pulling water and nutrients along with it.Benefits of Karbo-Lyn®Karbo-Lyn®has a high osmolality and is completely sugar free. To create a fast absorption through the stomach, the molecular mass has been uniquely manipulated making it have an uptake much faster than dextrose or Maltodextrin but without the added bloating effect.Who is Karbo-Lyn®Suitable for?Karbo-Lyn®is ideal for anyone looking for a source of carbohydrates before or after their training or competition. It is also suitable for anyone looking for a non-sugar based carbohydrate prior to endurance or ultra-endurance based events or for recovery after resistance based exercise. Due to the fast uptake of Karbo-Lyn®, it is recommended to consume this immediately following your exercise.We recommend consuming 50g of Karbo-Lyn®either before, after or during your exercise. However, this will depend on your specific training goals and the type of exercise you are undertaking.Nutrition recommendationCarbohydrate loading: If you are wanting to use Karbo-Lyn®for a carbohydrate loading phase, we recommend to consume 1 serving (50g) with a high carbohydrate diet every 2-3 hours in the day leading up to your event.Pre-race: We recommend consuming 1 serving of Karbo-Lyn®2-3 hours prior to your race for optimal results.Post-race: We recommend consuming 1 serving of Karbo-Lyn®immediately (Karbo-Lyn®is a registered trademark of All American Pharmaceutical & Natural Foods Corporation. International patents pending. All rights reserved.The dietary choices of all our customers are extremely important to us. Whilst this product is manufactured using ingredients and processing aids suitable for the vegan diet, please note that dairy powders are also used within the same production facility and cross contamination may occur at very small levels.Please note that the labelling on this product is provided in English as a minimum. French, Italian, German, Spanish, Danish, Swedish and Finnish may also be present on a product by product basis.